Practical Psychology


                    Practical Psychology


Practical psychology is a term used with BPM Therapy (Bio-Plasmic Modulation Therapy) for its mental health-oriented approaches. This is highly effective in wellness sector for the entire wellbeing of a person and society.

The wellness is not explainable, with a single term and it is an equilibrium of lots of things connected with your life. Something is related with your physic, energy/vital force, intellect and spontaneous reactions, Mind & streams, society, friends, universal outlook, observation skill and more. An attractive individuality is a conglomeration of all these terms and its equilibrium in the life.

Practical Psychology is an effort to modulate the internal life zones and its perfect interactive relations.

This five zone approach is connected with 4 sheaths and its integral formulation -Individuality.

Physical zone

Energy /vital zone

Mind & reflections

Intellect and its utilization and storage


Around 75% of the health issues we can connect with stress and strain directly or indirectly. Most of the health issues can generate stress also.

It is well connected with personal, economical and social facts. 

Due to this fact the practical psychology – the Mental health oriented – healthcare approach is suitable to handle health care sectors and wellness sectors.

We are using the following intervention methods to reduce the chemical intake or medicinal intake.

1.     Psychological counselling

2.     Reflexology

3.     Stimulation methods

4.     Music/sound energy management/ natyayoga and other supplementary support

5.     Movement therapy based on Natyayoga

6.     Oushadhi marg (External use of powerful and proved herbal extraction)

7.     Yoga and yogic empowerment methods.

8.     Technical analysis methods.

9.     Food supplements and nutrition support

10.  Lifestyle management programs.

11.  Basic learning programs and practical sessions.



Stress, Strain and Practical Psychology in Health care sector:


            Practical Psychology methods is very efficient in health care sectors like,


1.     Pre & post-surgery cardiac care

2.     Organ transplantation cases

3.     Diabetic care

4.     Infertility therapies

5.     After stroke therapies /paralysis conditions

6.     Neuro-psychiatric sectors

7.     Auto immune disorders

8.     Dermatology

9.     Eye & stress sector.


Stress & Strain and Wellness Sectors


There has been no definition of stress that everyone accepts. Therefore, it’s difficult to measure stress if there is no agreement on what the definition of stress should be.

People have very different ideas with respect to their definition of stress. Probably the most common is, “physical, mental, or emotional strain or tension”. Another popular definition of stress is, “a condition or feeling experienced when a person perceives that demands exceed the personal and social resources the individual is able to mobilize.”

General Observations:

Stress:  Positive Or Negative

Stress is not always harmful since increased stress results in increased productivity. Any definition of stress should also include good stress, or eustress. For example, winning a race or election is just as stressful as losing, or more so. Any definition of stress should similarly explain the difference between eustress and distress.


Negative / harmful stress:

   There are lots of reasons to develop stress in life related with our surroundings. Mainly we can calculate few of them as mentioned below.

1.     Job pressure

                                                   I.     Work related

                                                 II.     Lack of efficiency

                                                 III.     Sexual harassment

                                                IV.     Racism & caste issues



2.     Money

                                                        I.          Loss of money /job

                                                      II.          Work in a financial market

                                                    III.          Health issues

3.     Health

                                              I.          Chronic illness

                                            II.          Post- surgery issues

                                          III.          Organ transplantation

                                          IV.          Communicable disease

4.     Relationships

                                              I.          Social relationship

                                            II.          Family relationship

                                          III.          Death

5.     Poor Nutrition

                                              I.          Mal nourishment

                                            II.          Junk food / food habits

                                          III.          Poverty

6.     Media overload

                                              I.          Social network

                                            II.          Addiction to phone

                                          III.          Addiction to TV

7.     Sleep Deprivation

                                              I.          Inability to release adrenaline and other stress hormones.

                                            II.          Decrease efficiency to work


8.     Future of nation / Political climate

9.     Violence / crime

                                              I.          Social Insecurities

                                            II.          Trauma

                                          III.          Revenge 

10.  Religion /Social

                                              I.          Frames / boarders

                                            II.          Communal violence

                                          III.          Cultural diversities





Eustress Or Positive stress                             

Eustress produces positive feelings of excitement, fulfilment, meaning, satisfaction, and well-being. Eustress is all about sufficiently challenging yourself without expending all your resources (as per Psychologist Dr. Kara Fasone).

This type of stress empowers you to grow in three areas.                          

  • Emotionally, eustress can result in positive feelings of contentment, inspiration, motivation, and flow.
  • Psychologically, eustress helps us build our self-efficacy, autonomy, and resilience.
  • Physically, eustress helps us build our body (e.g., through completing a challenging workout)

Sometimes the attitude of a person can be decided a stress is distress or eustress.

Setting challenging goals around your interests or passions is another example of eustress. As humans, we have an innate ability to learn. Learning new things can be challenging. And growing expertise in an area doesn’t happen in a straight line.

There’s typically that learning stage where you may be absolutely terrible. But you’re learning from those mistakes. As you start seeing small wins and continue to build self-efficacy, you’re motivated to continue learning and improving.

Traveling is inherently stressful, especially when you’re exploring a faraway place with a different language and customs.

At the same time, you’re immersing yourself in a new and interesting place, with various foods to enjoy, new places to see, and a whole culture to experience.

Although stressful, traveling is an eye-opening experience for many people that’s viewed positively.

Physically, eustress is exemplified by challenging your body (e.g., lifting weights) to encourage growth (in this case, strength, stamina, and muscle growth).

In the gym or out on a walking path, you might be jamming out to your tunes and totally zoned into your workout. You may not even realize how exhausting the work has become because you’re caught up in the moment.




Researchers define social stress and social stressors in various ways. Wadman, Durkin, and Conti-Ramsden (2011) defined social stress as "the feelings of discomfort or anxiety that individuals may experience in social situations, and the associated tendency to avoid potentially stressful social situations"


There are two major variants,

1.      Stress caused by society

2.     Stress caused by a mass psychology to the society.

Both can generate impacts to a society;


      I.          Productivity & economy

    II.          Education & future generation

  III.          Youth & Life style

  IV.          Youth & Employment

    V.          Social insecurities (Due to unemployment / women related)




    1)     National security threat (terrorism / violence )

    2)     Revolutionary movements.

    3)     Effects & defects productivity

    4)     Impacts in population

    5)     Indirect effects (Health & Genetical disorders)

    6)     Suicide & assassinations                       






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